Strength for Yoga Presents:

5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Hamstrings
5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Shoulders

Turn your weaknesses into wins in <1 hour/week with our follow-along, yoga-specific strength practices!

As featured in:

We all love yoga. After all, yoga has so much to offer both our bodies and our minds. For a long time, though, we were led to believe that yoga was all we needed for comprehensive wellness.

Want to get more flexible?
“Do yoga,” they said.

Want to get stronger?
“Do yoga,” they said.

Want to age gracefully?
“Do yoga,” they said.

So we did. And it worked – at least at first. We gained flexibility, got stronger, and felt more spry. But over time, we plateaued

As our flexibility and strength gains leveled off, we pushed ourselves even harder on the mat. We practiced more frequently, went deeper, and held longer.

For some, these efforts paid off. Others of us wound up broken down, frustrated, and disillusioned. Worst of all, we were enjoying our yoga practice less.

In our attempt to force yoga to be our everything, many of us found ourselves unable or unwanting to practice at all.

If only there were some other physical pursuit we could do alongside yoga. A pursuit that would help us get more out of our yoga practice. A pursuit that would help us love yoga even more....

Introducing 5-Week Programs from Strength for Yoga!



2-Program Combo: Core & Shoulders
2-Program Combo: Core & Hamstrings

About Strength for Yoga

Jenni Rawlings yoga

Hi! I’m Jenni Rawlings, and strength training saved my butt (literally!).

In what feels like a former life, my only physical practice was yoga (Ashtanga, to be exact). Through an Ashtanga lens, I was relatively advanced. I could hold handstand for days, rock a mean crow pose, and drop back into wheel.

Yet in other respects, my flexibility and strength left a lot to be desired, both on and off the mat.

No matter how much forward folding I did, my range of motion barely budged. And my hamstrings always felt tight. I hated purvottanasana (reverse plank) and avoided it whenever possible.

To make matters worse, towards the end of my Ashtanga days I started having discomfort in the high hamstring region, which I now recognize was the beginnings of the dreaded “yoga butt” (proximal hamstring tendinopathy, in science-speak).

My shoulder strength wasn’t much better. Despite countless sun salutations, my chaturanga still wasn’t stellar. Off the mat, I discovered I wasn’t even close to being able to do a single pull-up.

These gaps in my (and so many other yogis’) fitness highlight a few truths about yoga,
which are by no means exclusive to Ashtanga:

Yoga doesn’t offer many options for strengthening the hamstrings. (And weak hamstrings often don’t love being stretched!)

Yoga doesn’t offer any options for strengthening the back and biceps muscles. (Contrary to popular belief, chaturanga doesn’t work these muscles!)

Even for movements we do practice often on the mat (like chaturanga), yoga fails to provide progressive options for building capacity.

Fortunately, there’s a physical pursuit that’s perfectly suited to fill all of these gaps. 

It’s called strength training, and it’s exactly what we teach in our 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Hamstrings (5WSF Hamstrings) and 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Shoulders (5WSF Shoulders) programs.

Here’s what our beta testers had to say about our 5-Week Programs

Julie M yoga teacher

"If you're a yogi looking to gain strength while keeping range of motion, you’ll find 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Hamstrings a smart and concise program. The program suits beginners along with seasoned yogis/weightlifters for finding functional flexibility, building resilience, and executing better balance with easy-to-follow progressions. Having just completed the program, I can feel the progress I made during a relatively short time period."

— Julie M., Yoga Teacher | Chicago, IL

Joy S yoga student

5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Shoulders was educational and enjoyable from beginning to end. The pace and starting point are accessible for all levels but not basic or boring, and the options for progression make it highly repeatable and a solid foundation for continued growth. The level of engagement from following a video really helped me push myself further than I generally do on longer self-led workouts. I had a lot of fun with this program and have noticed improvement in my other strength and yoga practices as a result!”

— Joy S., Customer Service Rep | Archie, MO

Kelly P yoga instructor

“I have had issues with my hamstrings and have tried modifications in my practice. 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Hamstrings was the missing piece to my movement routine. I feel more ease and strength in my forward bends. This series has also benefited my running. I’ve learned so much from Jenni and Travis.”

– Kelly P., Accountant | Petaluma, CA


More about the programs

5WSF Hamstrings and 5WSF Shoulders are each a series of 12 follow-along practices designed to increase strength and flexibility of key areas of the body for yogis: the hamstrings and the shoulders.

The practices are led by Travis Pollen, PhD (an Exercise Science professor), with expert demonstrations and commentary from Jenni (a yoga teacher with 20+ years of experience). All you have to do is hit the play button and you’ll be able to do the exercises right alongside us in real time.

The programs thoroughly complement a mat-based yoga practice:

5WSF Hamstrings targets the hamstrings in all manner of positions and muscle actions.

5WSF Shoulders targets the shoulders through a wide variety of pushing and pulling movements and all 360° of motion.

Both programs are rooted in the principle of progressive overload, with each successive practice offering more challenging options to build more strength.

The exercises focus on building strength through full ranges of motion, a scientifically supported method of improving flexibility.

purvottanasana hamstring strengthener

5WSF Hamstrings and 5WSF Shoulders are the exact kinds of strength training programs that helped Jenni turn the weaknesses she’d developed on the yoga mat into full-fledged strengths.

These days Jenni can do double-digit push-ups and half a dozen pull-ups. Purvottanasana no longer feels like such a struggle and has even evolved into one of her favorite poses. 

As for flexibility, she can palm the floor in uttanasana (standing forward fold), something she could never do pre-strength training. And that high hamstring discomfort she was having? It’s now just a distant memory. (Yoga truly saved her butt!) She’s the most confident in her body and what it’s capable of than she’s ever been.

And best of all, Jenni no longer needs to rely on yoga for all her fitness needs (which it wasn’t well suited for in the first place!). Instead, she appreciates yoga for the mind-body benefits it’s inherently perfect for. And as a result, she loves her movement practice more than ever.

With 5WSF Hamstrings and 5WSF Shoulders, you too can reap these benefits.

What’s included with each program

A series of 12 follow-along practices designed for yogis to increase strength and flexibility of the target body region (hamstrings or shoulders)

20-25 minute practices consisting of a warm-up followed by two rounds of a four-exercise sequence with a short rest period in between

A new practice emailed to you every 3 days to promote optimal recovery and physiological adaptations

Minimal equipment requirements (just 1-2 dumbbells or kettlebells, a resistance band, and a few common yoga props and household objects)*

Options to take on progressively more challenging exercise variations, so each practice builds on the previous one

Tons of educational nuggets interspersed throughout the practices on topics like anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics

Lifetime access to all 12 practices at the end of the 5 weeks, so you can go back and repeat any practice, any time



2-Program Combo: Core & Shoulders
2-Program Combo: Core & Hamstrings

Here’s what our beta testers had to say about our 5-Week Programs

Anne D physical therapist

“As a physical therapist, I tend to evaluate strength programs with a critical eye for programming, exercise selection, instruction, and ease of actually following through. 5 Weeks to Strong and Flexible Hamstrings hit all of my major criteria points and did so in a very approachable manner. In particular, I loved that this program accomplished so much in just ~20-25 minutes, which made it easy to fit into my day and stick with the practice for the entire 12 workouts.”

– Anne D., Physical Therapist | Philadelphia, PA

Justin D yoga teacher

"I just completed 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Shoulders, and my shoulders are stronger than ever! I'm finding more power, control, and stamina in my headstand than ever before. I can even “press up’ into the pose, which I never even considered trying until now. I love how easy to follow the program is and all the different options for varying skill levels. I'm excited to run through it again. I recommended Strength for Yoga to my entire yoga therapy program!"

— Justin D., Yoga Teacher | Minneapolis, MN

Katie E, beta tester

"I thought I had been exposed to all I could possibly do for my hamstrings with years of dance and yoga practice behind me, but Jenni and Travis continue to wow me with their creativity. 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Hamstrings had a great range of exercises each week, along with variations to try as you advance through the program. It was challenging but rewarding, and that kept me interested for the full 5 weeks. It was really fun!"

— Katie E., Clinical Research Project Manager | Philadelphia, PA

How will these programs enhance your yoga practice and your life?


  • Build lower body strength to support poses like warrior 3, dancer pose, locust pose, and reverse plank.

  • Build lower body flexibility to make poses like forward folds and down dog more restful.

  • Reduce your risk of “yoga butt” (proximal hamstring tendinopathy).


  • Build upper body pushing strength to support poses like plank, chaturanga, inversions, and arm balances.

  • Build upper body pulling strength and begin working towards a pull-up.

  • Increase shoulder flexibility to make overhead positions like down dog and handstand less effortful.

  • Improve shoulder stability (especially important for yogis who struggle with hypermobility!).

Both Programs

  • Feel stronger for whatever comes your way in life, from carrying heavy groceries to moving furniture to slinging containers of dog food and kitty litter.

  • Feel confident and empowered in your body and its awesome capabilities.

  • Prolong and cherish your yoga practice even more by eliminating the need for it to provide physical benefits for which it’s not ideally suited.

Try 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Hamstrings and 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Shoulders for 30 days risk free!

Our Guarantee

We’re so sure you’re going to love 5WSF Hamstrings and 5WSF Shoulders that we’ll guarantee it. You can try 5WSF Hamstrings and 5WSF Shoulders for the next 30 days with a 100% money-back guarantee.

If you aren’t completely satisfied with our programs after 30 days, simply let us know and we’ll refund 100% of your purchase, no questions asked.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • They stand for 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Hamstrings and 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Shoulders.

  • They’re two separate programs: (1) 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Hamstrings and (2) 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Shoulders. The programs complement one another, with the hamstring program focusing on the lower body and the shoulder program focusing on the upper body. They can be purchased together (recommended!) or separately.

  • The shoulder program requires one resistance band (a ½-inch superband); a bed sheet, yoga strap, or other suspension trainer; 1-2 yoga blocks; a yoga blanket or furniture sliders; 2 chairs; and 1-2 kettlebells or dumbbells. We recommend one lighter kettlebell/dumbbell that you can press overhead 10 times (10-20 lbs for women and 20-30 lbs for men) and one heavier kettlebell/dumbbell that you can’t press overhead (30-50 lbs for women and 50-70 lbs for men). If you have a stable place to anchor the resistance band (e.g., the base of a sturdy piece of furniture), the heavy kettlebell/dumbbell can be omitted.

  • The hamstring program requires one resistance band (a ½-inch superband), 1-2 yoga blocks, a yoga blanket or furniture sliders, a chair, and 2 kettlebells or dumbbells. We recommend one lighter kettlebell/dumbbell that you can press overhead 10 times (10-20 lbs for women and 20-30 lbs for men) and one heavier kettlebell/dumbbell that you can’t press overhead (30-50 lbs for women and 50-70 lbs for men).

  • No, the equipment does NOT come with the program. It must be purchased separately.

  • Yes, these programs consist of follow-along practices. Simply press play on the video, and perform the exercises alongside us in real time.

  • No, these programs are NOT yoga with added resistance. They’re strength training programs designed to supplement a yoga practice.

  • Each practice is 20-25 minutes long. Each program consists of 12 practices, delivered via email once every 3 days over the span of 36 days (about 5 weeks).

  • Upon purchasing, you’ll receive an email with a link to begin the program(s). You can access this link whenever you’re ready to begin. Once you begin, you’ll receive an email every 3 days with a link to the next practice video. The videos will be housed on

  • You’ll have lifetime access. After the final practice, you’ll receive a link to a summary resource with all 12 practices so you can go back and repeat any practice at any time.

  • If you can’t do a practice on the day you receive it, simply do it the next day or as soon as it’s convenient for you.

  • The practices are designed to be completed every third day to allow for plenty of recovery and maximize physiological adaptations. But if you’d prefer to do them more frequently, you could wait until you’ve received a few practices to get started.

  • Yes, the programs are complementary. You could do them one right after the other on the same day, or you could do them on separate days. Or you could do one program over 5 weeks then the other over the next 5 weeks.

  • No, these are digital products.

  • Yes, these programs are intended for beginners. That said, we do assume familiarity and competence with basic movement patterns that are common in yoga like Chair Pose, Plank Pose, and Halfway Lift.

  • Yes. The practices are delivered every 3 days, leaving two days in between for other physical activities of your choice or rest.

  • No, these programs are suitable for people of all genders.

  • These programs are suitable for adults of all ages, with no upper limit. It’s never too late to build strength and flexibility!

  • Yes, these programs are suitable for non-yogis. With that said, the exercises in the programs assume familiarity and competence with basic movement patterns that are common in yoga, so the learning curve might be slightly steeper for non-yogis.

and Notes:

5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Hamstrings and 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Shoulders are e-products. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to start the program. We are required by the FTC to state what “typical” results are. The results depicted on this website are real results from real users. If you don’t adhere to the practices, you shouldn’t expect to get the same results.

The information contained in 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Hamstrings and 5 Weeks to Strong & Flexible Shoulders is for educational purposes only. The viewer assumes the risks associated with performing the exercises described within, which may be dangerous if done incorrectly. The creators advise viewers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. The exercises in this program are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine that may have been prescribed by your doctor. Please consult your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program.

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